Joe The ANDROID Rooter
​(Frequently Asked Questions: In no particular order)
Can you root my phone or tablet?
Yes I can! They don't call me "Joe the Android Rooter" for nothing! If the phone or tablet has an Android based OS, yes I can root it. I don't think that there is an Android that I cannot root properly.
What is rooting or jailbreaking?
I think the best way to describe it is that it is the act of "breaking the master lock". Once you have broken the lock, rooted or jailbroke, of your device you have the ability to basically tweak your phone the way that YOU want to. The carriers and manufacturers basically restrict you from doing things to your phone. Imagine you bought your car and someone tells you that you can't change the rims or tires on your car...that you can't tint your windows or add a car freshener...that you can't attach a supercharger or turbo to your engine? Well, our phones are normally restricted but once you are rooted or jailbroken those restricted are obviously lifted. Here is a link to some top reasons why you should root: http://newjersey.craigslist.org/cps/3687215297.html
What is Wi-Fi HotSpot?
Basically it allows you to connect your Tablet, Laptop, iPod or any other device that needs Wi-Fi from YOUR PHONE's data connection! Very convenient, you don't need to find a Star Bucks or Wi-Fi HotSpot when you can be your own HotSpot! Carriers are charging $20~$40 extra PER MONTH for HotSpots!!! You already paid for your data plan, why should you be paying to USE your data the way that you want to use it?! Allow me to root your phone and unlock your Wi-Fi HotSpot via custom tweaks and/or apps and free yourself from your carrier!​​​ *Please Note: You must have a data plan with your carrier to have your phone operate as a HotSpot.
What is a Custom Rom?

In short it's an OS built specifically for your phone that is basically on steroids! You'll have a lot more options and settings and in most cases better stability, better battery life and overall better user experience.
What is a Custom Kernel?
Think of it as your car's transmission, where you can Under Volt and Over Clock your Android to make it use less energy and make it faster.
Can I upgrade my OS?
In most instances yes, but older models may be limited to upgrades but in those instances I can still modify and tweak your current rom to extract its' full potential!​
Can you clone a phone?
Yes, but I wouldn't do that for my own mother...so why should I do it for you?!
Can you fix CDMA ESN problems?
Some I can. To be honest, my experience with CDMA phones are limited but I do have all the tools and software to do so. If I fail you owe me nothing, simple as that.
Can you convert my Kindle or Nook to Android?
Yes I can! If it is an Android based Operating System, it can be converted to give you a FULL ANDROID experience + Play Store and Flash Movies and etc. I can also do such tablets as H.P. TouchPads, where it DOESN'T have an Android based OS but I can convert it to dual boot into the WebOS or the Android OS!​
What else can you do?
If it's Android based software work that you need to have done, I can most likely do it. I'm not an "expert" in Windows computers, but I can handle some light work that you may need done. iOS however I have no clue in and JailBreaking and modding it with Cydia based apps is about the extent of what I can do with it. I currently do NOT do hardware fixes, such as LCD Screens, buttons and batteries...though I've had past experience in doing so for over 5 years. This may change in the near future.

© 2009 by Joe the Android Rooter. All Rights Reserved